
Section: ANG Pronouns

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ANG Pronouns - Overview ANG Personal Pronouns: Akó (I) ANG Personal Pronouns: Kamí and Tayo (We) ANG Personal Pronouns: Ikáw, Ka and Kayó (You) ANG Personal Pronouns: Siyá and Silá (He/She and They) ANG Demonstrative Pronoun: Itó (This) ANG Demonstrative Pronoun: Iyán (That) ANG Demonstrative Pronoun: Iyón (That, Over there) ANG Demonstrative Pronoun: Pluralization (These and Those) Demonstrative Pronouns: Nitó, Niyán, and Niyón Demonstrative Pronouns: Dito, Diyán and Doón
Personal Pronouns Transcription Drill Personal Pronouns Drill Demonstrative Pronoun Transcription Drill A Demonstrative Pronouns Drill A Demonstrative Pronoun Transcription Drill B Demonstrative Pronouns Drill B Demonstrative Pronoun Transcription Drill C Demonstrative Pronouns Drill C
Flash Cards:
Pronoun Flash Cards 1

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