

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word sumusunod.
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The Tagalog word sumúsunód is the Filipino verb sumunod » conjugated in the Uncompleted aspect ( present tense )

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1 [verb] to follow
2 [verb] to obey; to comply; to conform

Verb conjugations of sumunod:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: sunodConjugation Type: -Um-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
sumunód  Play audio #6035
Completed (Past):
sumunód  Play audio #6035
Uncompleted (Present):
sumúsunód  Play audio #25547
Contemplated (Future):
súsunód  Play audio #25548
Sumusunod Example Sentences in Tagalog: (16)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Sumunód si John sa kanilá.
Play audio #27547 Play audio #27548Audio Loop
John followed them.
Ang isáng mabuting ba ay sumúsunód sa magulang.
Play audio #27565 Play audio #27566Audio Loop
A good child obeys his parents.
Sumunód ka sa utos ng amo mo.
Play audio #27563 Play audio #27564Audio Loop
Follow the orders of your boss.
Dapat súsunód ka sa pátakarán ng iyóng páaralán.
Play audio #27561 Play audio #27562Audio Loop
You should conform to the policies of your school.
Sumunód tayo sa mga awtoridád at batás.
Play audio #36224Audio Loop
Let's obey the authorities and laws.
Lahát tayo ay dapat sumunód sa batás.
Play audio #27549 Play audio #27550Audio Loop
All of us must obey the law.
Nahuli si Anne kasí hindî siyá sumunód sa batás trápikó.
Play audio #27557 Play audio #27558Audio Loop
Anne got apprehended because she did not follow traffic rules.
Ibig sabihin ba nitó, hindî ka sumúsunód sa uso?
Play audio #42425Audio Loop
Does this mean that you don't go with the fad?
Sagután mo ang sumúsunód na quiz.
Play audio #27551 Play audio #27552Audio Loop
Take the following quiz.
Anó ang sumúsunód na buwán sa Agosto?
Play audio #27555 Play audio #27556Audio Loop
What month follows August?
Hulaan mo ang nawáwalang pandi sa sumúsunód na pahayág.
Play audio #27559 Play audio #27560Audio Loop
Guess the missing verb in the following statements.
Sino ang súsunód na kákantá?
Play audio #27553 Play audio #27554Audio Loop
Who's going to sing next?
Sumunód ka sa akin at itutu ko sa iyó kung násaán ang canteen.
Play audio #27567 Play audio #27568Audio Loop
Follow me and I'll show you where the canteen is.
Nang lumingón si Mary, nakita niyáng sumúsunód pa rin sa kaniyá ang kaniyáng aso.
Play audio #38365Audio Loop
When Mary looked back, she saw that her dog was still following her.
Huwág kang súsunód kung sa palagáy mo ay malî ang ipinápagawâ sa iyó.
Play audio #38363Audio Loop
Don't comply if you feel that what you're being asked to do is wrong.
Lumingón ka at tignan mo kung sino ang sumúsunód sa atin.
Play audio #38364Audio Loop
Look behind you and see who's following us.

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