

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word nag-alok.
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The Tagalog word nag-alók is the Filipino verb mag-alok » conjugated in the Completed aspect ( past tense )

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[verb] to offer; to propose

Verb conjugations of mag-alok:

Actor Focus Icon
Root: alokConjugation Type: Mag-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
mag-alók  Play audio #12308
Completed (Past):
nag-alók  Play audio #25895
Uncompleted (Present):
nag-áalók  Play audio #25896
Contemplated (Future):
mag-áalók  Play audio #25897
Nag-alok Example Sentences in Tagalog: (14)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Mag-alók ka ng tulong sa mga gawain sa bahay.
Play audio #37874Audio Loop
Offer to help with household chores.
Huwág mag-atubilíng mag-alók ng pagkain.
Play audio #46287Audio Loop
Do not hesitate to offer food.
Nagsisikap siláng mag-alók ng mabilís na serbisyo.
Play audio #46286Audio Loop
They are tryig to offer quick service.
Mag-alók ka ng mungkahing presentasyón.
Play audio #36344Audio Loop
Offer a suggestion for a presentation.
Nag-alók si Sonia na bigyán siyá ng kopya ng libró.
Play audio #46284Audio Loop
Sonia offered to give her a copy of the book.
Isáng pólitikó ang nag-alók sa akin ng scholarship.
Play audio #46285Audio Loop
A politician offered me a scholarship.
Nag-alók si Pablo na bayaran ang utang ko.
Play audio #37958Audio Loop
Pablo proposed to pay my debt.
Nag-alók siyá ng mágasin sa isáng pasahero.
Play audio #46288Audio Loop
She offered a magazine to a passenger.
Nag-áalók silá ng libreng edukasyón sa koléhiyó.
Play audio #37916Audio Loop
They offer free college education.
Nag-áalók akóng samahan siyá sa salusalo.
Play audio #37232Audio Loop
I'm offering to accompany her to the party.
Nag-áalók ang kompanyá ng libreng transportasyón.
Play audio #46289Audio Loop
The company offers free transportation.
Mag-áalók siyá na diligín ang mga halaman.
Play audio #36972Audio Loop
He will offer to water the plants.
Paano ka mag-áalók ng tulong?
Play audio #35802 Play audio #35803Audio Loop
How will you offer help?
Mag-áalók akó sa iyó ng tabletang pampapayat.
Play audio #37510Audio Loop
I will offer you a slimming pill.

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