
The principle of Territoriality in Criminal Law
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Related videos: TIME STAMPS 00:00 00:09 What is the principle of territoriality? 00:25 What is the extent of our Philippine territory? 01:37 What are not considered part of our Philippine territory? 02:34 What is the scope of application of the principle of territoriality? 02:56 INTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION 05:30 EXTRA-TERRITORIAL APPLICATION 06:51 1st instance of extra-territorial application – “Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship or airship” 09:24 What are the two kinds of Philippine ships (vessels)? 12:33 What is the difference between the English rule and the French rule? 16:42 What if the crime happened inside a merchant vessel that is unregistered, which country has jurisdiction? 18:20 2nd instance of extra-territorial application – “Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands” 3rd instance of extra-te
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 29:24
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