
How I Got My First Client (Without A Portfolio)
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Ready to kickstart your freelance career but still need to get a portfolio? In this video, I share my journey and spill the secrets of how I secured my very first client, even without a portfolio to showcase. Discover the practical steps, strategies, and mindset shifts that can help you land your first paying gig. If you're a beginner in the freelance world or looking to level up your client acquisition game, this video is a game-changer! Hit that like button, subscribe for more freelancing insights, and let's get you on the path to success. #Freelancing #ClientAcquisition #NoPortfolioNeeded Paano Ako KUMIKITA Ng 800K Weekly!! New Business 2023 – FACEBOOK GROUP: FREE COURSES/EBOOKS/PODCAST MY ONLY ACCOUNT / BEWARE OF POSERS ➜ IG: ➜ FB: -- I'm Franklin Miano, Entrepreneur and CEO of 10 Businesses in different fields in the Philippines. A Self-Made Entrepreneur and a Succ
Franklin Miano
Run time: 05:26
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