
Anong kahoy ang magandang gamitin sa DIY Project + DIY Planters Build
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Ano nga bang kahoy ang mas maganda at mas madaling gamitin sa DIY project lalong lalo na kung limited lang mga powertools mo. Ok ba ang paleta o mas ok ang rough hardwood o baka nman mas ok ang s4s pinewood. Alamin natin. Sa video na to ay gagawa din tayo ng DIY Raised Planter box gamit ang napili nating kahoy. Limited Powertools lang tayo so prepare yung circular saw and drill. Let's go! #limitedtools #diyproject 0:00 - 6:08 Paleta vs Hardwood vs s4s Pinewood 6:09 DIY Planters Build Thank you Stanley Tools Philippines, Dewalt and Black+Decker for sponsoring this video. 12V Cordless Drill Stanley Circular Saw Stanley Jig saw Black&Decker Workmate
Film that Build
Run time: 12:59
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