
FIERCE LOOK ala Pia Wurtzbach ♡ Purpleheiress
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❤ Previous video: ❤ You may contact me at: Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel - Salamat po sa panunuod :) From the World’s No.1 makeup brand, Maybelline New York, doing your own contoured makeup has never been this easy. Get an instant nose lift, and your face shape on-point in a New York minute with Maybelline’s very first contouring line – V-Face Contour by FACE STUDIO. “This year’s defining moments in beauty is definitely seeing techniques using products to achieve that killer, cheekbone-carving trend and even create a nose lifting look without going under the knife,” shares Sandy Tiu, Product Manager of Maybelline New York. “From this growing trend, there is no better time for Maybelline to introduce a complete contour line that aims to bring out the very inherent appeal of contouring – the ability to accentuate features but this time, in a quick and easy way. That is exactly what V-Face Contour by Face St
Nanay Isha
Run time: 04:12
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