
Odette Quesada EPISODE # 28 The Paco Arespacochaga Podcast
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Please subscribe to my channel and be part of this inspiring community! Probably one of the best OPM Songwriters of our time, Odette Quesada gave us songs that became part of our lives. From graduating to falling in love to losing someone you love, her body of work speaks volume about her talent and depth. It was an honor and a privilege for me to have Miss Odette Quesada on The Paco Arespacochaga Podcast to talk about her hits... "Friend Of Mine", "Til I Met You", "Don't Know What to Say" and a whole lot more. She shared her life and her journey through it. Shared her victories and the loss of her soulmate, Bodjie Dasig. It's all meat! Grab a snack and join us. “Nasa Yo” - written by Bodjie Dasig & Odette Quesada performed by Audrey Rose #PacosPlaceLive #OdetteQuesada #PacoArespacochaga ©2020 The Paco Arespacochaga Podcast. All Rights Reserved.
Paco's Place
Run time: 02:14:01
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