
Tanggalin ang Bilbil Gamit ang Everyday Workout na Ito! ♡ Get Rid of Love Handles & Belly Fat
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Kung nako-conscious ka sa bilbil sa tiyan at bewang, worry no more dahil we are gonna do this workout to get rid of love handles together! Part 1 is all standing exercises and part 2 is all floor based exercises. Feel free to do just the standing part for 2 rounds or just the lying down part for 2 rounds also or just do the whole routine as is! Gawin mo ito araw araw and you're on your way to a sexier body! No more stubborn love handles and belly fat. SHOP MY HEALTHY MEAL IDEAS E-BOOK (2021): SHOP MY BOOTY BANDS (resistance bands) here: and use my 10% discount code "SIMPLYPINAY". Also available in Lazada Pink Purple Hot Pink set: Black White Gray set: short leggings: yoga mat: -------------------- Follow me on Socials! INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: https://www.f
Kat Aglipay
Run time: 13:20
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