
TPKP 84: Komiksman x Lourd De Veyra
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Lourd de Veyra is an intellectual and TV personality, working in the fields of journalism, TV, radio, and literature. In this episode, Jerald Dorado and Lourd talk about social media, gaming (or non-gaming), comics, literature, movies, music, pornhub, the lockdown situation and many more. We also talked about his viral open letter to Vic Sotto, and shared hilarious stories from his former band, Radioactive Sago Project, and their one-of-a-kind pinoy sound. DEDICATED TO THE FILIPINO HEROES AT THE FRONT LINES AGAINST COVID-19! The Powerful Komiksman Podcast streams live on Youtube and Facebook. Subscribe and like or pages to get notifications. Visit for more episodes. Listen on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more:
Run time: 01:52:05
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