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KUWENTO SA PILIPINAS HINGGIL SA BIG BANG; PHILIPPINES DOCUMENTARY ON BIG BANG THEORY; TAGALOG BIG BANG THEORY; FILIPINO MYSTERIES; TAGALOG BIBLE; PILIPINAS; This video will attempt to answer one of science most sought out question regarding it's validity: The Big bang Theory. Big Bang theory is the leading explanation for how our universe began. According to the theory, the entire universe began as a tiny singularity that went through an explosive expansion 13.8 billion years ago, gradually expanding into the cosmos we see today. Today, astronomers can detect an "echo" from the Big Bang in the cosmic microwave background, a phenomenon that can be detected with radio telescopes. Big Bang Theory is also the name of a popular CBS sitcom about scientists, where several real-life scientists and astronauts have appeared. Astronomers combine mathematical models with observations to develop workable theories of how the Universe came to be. The mathematical underpinnings of the Big Bang theory include Albert Einstei
Pinoy Mystery Channel
Run time: 12:51
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