
PH envoy: 'China is antagonizing us'
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Balikan ang bahagi ng ating interview kay Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez tungkol sa pangha--harass ng China sa Pilipinas sa West Philippine Sea.
Christian Esguerra
Run time: 11:23
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... I truly believe that this is a relationship that we cannot, as former Senator Enrile, si Manong Gianni told me before I left for my job in Washington, he says, we cannot afford to antagonize a country like the United States. And I totally agree with him.
It's a country that we have to deal with. Just like we cannot antagonize a country like China, but China is antagonizing us. That's the big difference right now.
Okay. Speaking of the United States, I'm sure you're also familiar with the narrative coming from pro-China analysts or even writers here in the Philippines.
So the narrative that we usually see is this. The United States is being manipulated and the Philippines is being manipulated. That's why we have to be wary of that.
So what is your read on that narrative that whenever we stand up to China, there's always a factor that you're not thinking about the United States?
Well, you know, it's simple. Is the United States building a basis that they didn't give us permission? That's not true. In fact, they're asking for, I mean we have an agreement, the EDCA.
We set up the EDCA. As I said, it was signed in 2015 and we're implementing that as part of our national security strategy. What is China doing? They're building in our shore, the Scarborough shore. We left there and now it's a military base now.
So who is at fault there? I mean it's just physically what you see is what you get. We have been reaching out to them for so many years. What we're asking is to allow our fishermen to be able to fish in their own grounds, which they've been doing for centuries.
And now our fishermen are afraid that they won't be able to get close to it. They're always being disturbed. They're afraid. So you know, for those people who are saying these things, I don't know what their motivation is but clearly it is misplaced, to say the least.
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