
New Pagcor logo binash online
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 12:37
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Q1. Ano ba ang lesson dito kasi kung parang to be fair din naman, kung government agency ka or department whatever, parang ang hirap din mag-rebrand sa bawat kilos kasi meron kang duty sa public, kumbaga hindi mo ito pere, kaya iyon ang issue. Ano ang lesson sa atin dito especially magre-rebrand ka? Alam mo na you cannot make everyone happy most definitely, pero ano ba yung mga dapat matutunan from this experience?
Q2. For me the most important lesson, democratize the process. If you're going to, well iba yan sa DOT dahil sa DOT kampanya yan, that's a full-on campaign. So talking about PAGCORP first, any agency that would wish to do a logo rebrand, democratize the process.
Make it an open contest so that Filipino talented, multitude of talented Filipino graphic designers and artists can participate. Democratize mo. Luzon Visayas Mindanao, if you really wanted to do it, ang daming data scientists na makakagawa ng model diyan.
Hindi ako fan ni Randy Orton. Fan ako ni Randy Macho Man Savage.
Transparency as a first rule. Gobyerno ka. Gobyerno ka, public official ka. Not public official but you are public servants, you are as Ian mentioned earlier, hindi ninyo pera yan, pera po namin yan. Ginagastos nyo po yung pinagirapan namin na pinagbayad na buwis. So transparency as a first rule, transparency at all times.
Hindi yung bulaga na lang, anniversary, in unveil, nandiyan na, 3 million by the way. By the way, 3 million ang binayad namin dyan. Hindi po yan naibasa kasambahay na maggrocery. Siyempre may budget tayo dyan, dapat ipaalam muna, di ba dapat ano. Hindi na lang iuwi siya. By the way, bumili ako na isang kilong Kobe beef at wagyu. Parang gulata na lang. Hindi naman pwedeng ganon.
Bad analogy. Ang mayaman yung mga reference mo. Bad analogy, bad analogy. Kobe beef? Iniimagine ko na yung lasa nun. Hindi pa nadadampean yung labi ko ng grasa nun. Shot myself in the foot with that one.
So yeah, transparency as a first rule. And then, pag mga ganito, mga visual branding, design elements. Alam mo, ang dapat ginagawa dyan, mayroon namang test audience eh. Kagaya ng pelikula, kagaya ng ano.
Si Ian Izguera, I'm sure bago niya nilabas yung kanyang peppy talk show, late night intro, pinakita niya muna yan sa minamahal niyang may bahay. Pinakita niya muna yan sa mga kaibigan niya, sa mga barkada niya. That's a small scale. But studios do that all the time. They have test viewings. And they actually, that is done for edits and amendments.
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