
Positive Pregnancy Test Reaction Video (Unfiltered) + REVELATIONS | Kris B, your ultimate SHE-zum! 🌻
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Yes, the secret is out! I’m about to welcome our little sunshine this year.☀️ We’re beyond grateful for all the warm wishes from everyone and we’re just as excited as you are! I know I owe you guys the full details of how I discovered my pregnany and how I broke the news to my husband Perry. So here I am sharing you the raw and unedited story of this pleasant surprise! We also love how we announced it to everyone, so see what went down during our baby reveal photoshoot. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey SHE-zums! You’ve known me for quite a long time now. Thanks to my showbiz career, I got to showcase my love for acting and I can say I’m so blessed to have this kind of life. I may have played different roles in the limelight but I realized I haven’t really introduced the Kris Bernal behind the camera. So now, I’ve finally decided to do it. Everyone, this is me… Next time you’ll hear my name, I hope you would think of me as
Kris Bernal
Run time: 18:40
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Who is she?
You're welcome at Sheeza!
Hi, Sheezums! Good morning!
I just woke up, so excuse my namamagang face.
Lately, I've been feeling under the weather
and it's been 10 days that I missed my period
and nag-review ka ako ng unti.
Lately, I've been experiencing a lot of anxiety
and I've been feeling a lot of stress.
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