
MORAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY | Lawrence KOHLBERG | Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventional
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Support the channel by becoming a member! Pag-usapan natin ang theory ni Kohlberg na adjacent sa theory ni Piaget which is ang stages of moral development ng mga tao. Enjoy! #psychology #humandevelopment #morality #cognition #lecture #study #morality #philosophy Photos: Pexel, Freepik Disclaimer: The information in this YouTube Channel is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content including text, graphics, images and information contained on or available through this channel is for general information purposes only. This channel makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information on or available through this channel, and such information is subject to change without prior notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this channel with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical or psychological
JP Buduan
Run time: 16:15
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So umpisa natin yung video na ito sa kwento ni Heinz at ng kanyang asawa na may malubhang sakit.
So dahil malubhang yung sakit niya, medyo nasa 50-50 na siya and malapit na siyang mamatay.
Fortunately, may isang tao malapit sa bayan nila na nakadiskubre ng gamot para sa malubhang sakit na ito.
And medyo mahal yung pagpaproduce kasi nga parang rare yung sakit so rare din yung gamot.
So yung pagpaproduce is around 10,000 pesos.
Ngayon syempre dahil siya yung nakadiskubre, siya yung nagbebenta, gusto niyang magkaroon ng kita.
So binibenta niya yung gamot ng 100,000 pesos.
And then syempre si Heinz gagawin niya yung lahat para lang mapagaling yung asawa niya.
So ang ginawa niya is nagikot-ikot siya sa bayan nila, naghiram siya ng pera sa mga kakilala niya,
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