
Kuripot Versus Magastos! Giyera Ng Mga Pitaka!
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Ito na!!! ang tunay labanan ng Magastos VERSUS Kuripot! Sino ka dito? Discover the ultimate showdown between frugality and overspending in our latest YouTube video, "Frugal vs. Spendthrift: Battle of the Wallets"! Dive deep into the contrasting lifestyles of those who prioritize saving every penny versus those who indulge in lavish spending. Uncover the secrets behind frugal living, including budgeting tips, smart shopping strategies, and minimalist mindsets, and contrast them with the pitfalls of overspending, such as debt accumulation and financial insecurity. Whether you're a penny-pincher or a big spender, this video offers valuable insights to help you navigate your financial journey more effectively. Tune in to learn how to strike the perfect balance between saving and splurging for a brighter financial future! Dito makakatulong kami sa aktwal na paglago mo bilang iponaryo, join us sa THE YAYAMANIN LIFE GROUP! #chinkeetan #theYayamaninLife #TYL #Finances #DebtFre
Chink Positive
Run time: 13:12
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Kapatid, malu ka ba o kuripot?
And that is what we're going to talk about in this episode.
Videos that will make you wealthy and debt-free.
Hi there, this is Chinky Tan, your Pambansang World Coach.
And for today, we are going to talk about the psychology of money
that revolves on two things, two sides of the coin,
extravagance and frugality.
Pag-usapan po natin two approaches,
the significance, strategies, at the same time,
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