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LEASE DON'T FORGET TO LIKE,SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE !#Pugongbyahero #OFW🔴Message us on Facebook🔴For solar order pls message us here
Pugong Byahero
Run time: 18:16
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
The video discusses the following topics:

- The video maker encounters a child while visiting a house in a mountainous region.
- They mention the house belongs to the Mangyan tribe and admire the simplicity of the staircase, comparing it to another they saw previously.
- Apologies are made for the audio quality due to mic issues, so a cellphone is being used instead.
- They explore the house, being shown around by the child, who introduces them to a fruit referred to as "Singapore" by the locals.
- The child, named Niway, shares their daily meals consist primarily of this fruit due to financial constraints, lacking the resources to buy rice.
- Niway is in grade 6, and despite sometimes being late to school because of waiting for their meal to cook, they excel in English with a grade of 90 but struggle with Filipino receiving a grade of 73.
- Niway dreams of becoming a teacher to help educate children and mentions the hardships the Mangyan tribe faces, particularly in securing food and managing on a very limited household income.
- The family's house, described as very small and lacking basic sleeping essentials like a decent sleeping mat, is shown, underscoring their poor living conditions.
- Despite these hardships, Niway remains hopeful and determined to continue their education, being the only one among their siblings to attend school.
- The video maker offers financial assistance to help Niway with school expenses and basic needs, encouraging them to push forward with their studies.
- The conclusion reflects on the situation of the indigenous people in Mindoro and mentions potential projects to support students like Niway through sponsorships.
- The video also includes a product endorsement for a solar powered flat light being sold by the PB Team Solar.

This summary removes any reference to subscribing, liking, or sharing the video on social media, and focuses on the content of the video itself.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Uy, may bata sa loob.
Meron kasi kaming nakitang bata dito sa bahay po.
So ito po ay bahay ng isang mangyan dito po sa bundo.
Pwede mo pumakihan?
Tinan nyo po yung ano nila, yung hagdanan.
So, paparehas ng hagdanan ni Nanay Lor na noong...
Ayan o, ayan. One, two, three, four.
So ganito rin yung hagdanan ng mga katutubo sa mundo na...
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