
The Interviewer Presents: Ez Mil
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The Interviewer Presents: Ez Mil Hailing from the 2200; on the 27th of July, 1998, was born a Filipino, half Caucasian blondie boi in Olongapo City, Philippines. Born into parents that were tearin' it up in the nation's local Rock & Roll scene, that city was his place of birth and where he was raised. As the norm of rebellion from over-exposure, instead of Rock, Hip-Hop / Rap was the first musical genre he fell in love with. Then, as he grew up being exposed to the peak of R&B / Pop infused with Hip-Hop's music and dancing, it became the first obsession for Ez's childhood self-expression, with there being a point where it was only songs and videos as his choice of entertainment (it was pretty out of hand). Source:
The Boy Abunda Talk Channel
Run time: 22:34
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