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BAKED POLVORON 270g salted butter ¾ cup powdered sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour ¾ cup almond powder ½ cup powdered milk Bake at 350ºF for 20 minutes
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 11:52
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We all love Pulvoron, ang sarap-sarap papakin, it reminds me of my childhood, pupunta kami sa isang sikat na bakery chain, cake shop chain, at favorite na favorite namin yung kanilang giant pulvoron, ay nako, ang sarap-sarap, pero diba, one thing, ito lang talaga yung hindi natin gusto sa pulvoron,
Pag naglalasog-lasog na, makalat, diba? Dapat pinagbabawal din sa bus ang pulvoron, hindi lang mani, nilagang itlog, ano pa ba? Mais, pati dapat pulvoron, dahil makalat, but I have a solution.
Gumawa tayo ng baked pulvoron, kasing sarap ng pulvoron, for sure, magiging kasing benta ng pulvoron, pero hindi masyadong makalat.
Madali lang gawin ito, ayun, makikita mo ang ingredients nya, almost similar to your classic pulvoron, of course, kailangan mo lang ng oven.
Ang isa sa mga advantages nito, mas madali siyang ibenta, kahit iship mo, hindi basta-basta nagkakalasog-lasog, and this is also perfect to pair with your coffee.
So first, let's start with good butter, I'm going to cream this with powdered sugar, this is just confectioner's sugar.
So into my mixer, I'm putting good butter.
Hindi po tatak yan ha, pag kasi nabing good butter, it's the real butter.
I'm using salted butter, but if your butter is unsalted, you can always add a pinch of iodized salt.
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